I’m so torn right now…my favorite superhero and my favorite supervillain make his cut….and you throw a gelatinous cube int the mix!! (which coincidentally was my first thought on seeing the first of his species to show up in the comic with her purse inside her)
Too many favorites! All are best!
I guess Cubert #2 is like when humans wear caveman costumes.
It’s so clever that you put the bad guys from The Wolves of the Calla in there. Oh wait.
Wow. Like, three people will get that joke. “We call that the Dennis Miller ratio.” – John Frink
I’m so torn right now…my favorite superhero and my favorite supervillain make his cut….and you throw a gelatinous cube int the mix!! (which coincidentally was my first thought on seeing the first of his species to show up in the comic with her purse inside her)