He’s in a real tight spot.
This is the part where I tell you about the new Magic:The Gathering set, Innistrad.
I paticipated in a local pre-release over the weekend, and let me tell you, it was fun to play. Magic has FINALLY woken up and paid tribute to my favorite race of all fantasy settings: Humans.
That’s right. Humans. Not elves. Not goblins. Not Vulcans.
Good old “God Bless AmeriEarth” HUMANS. And these guys have some great abilities and synergy. But overall, the flavor of the entire set is a big win. It’s very Van Helsing.
I think the full release is this weekend? Get in on it. This one’s going to be a blast.
It looks amazing. Just the kind of mechanics and wierdness I love. I kind of want to get back into magic. Or use that money on my honeymoon. One of the two.
My gut tells me a MAGIC themed honeymoon would not go over well.
Unless you marry Mark Rosewater. (or Rat Man).
Also, i gotta get some Gravatars up in here.